Saturday, April 9, 2011

7 months, 3 weeks, 1 day

Baby, you amaze me. I can't believe that it was almost 8 months ago that you first curled up in my arms. Such a short time but it feels like you have always been here. You have been changing so quickly the last couple months... February 6th I remember you waving and it was such a big deal, that same week you could almost stay sitting up if we sat you up first... Now just 2 weeks ago you started the army crawl and now?!? Now you crawl like a pro and you can sit up like a breeze! You barely even have to push off the floor and you can go from crawling to sitting. What is next? You have already started trying to pull up to standing... you are working on your balance :) With just a little help you can stay standing... I'm sure you will be walking soon.

You have even said a couple words... sounds that make sense in context even if you didn't know what you were saying. Weh Da Da? (I answered that Daddy was at work) AhNahDaYa (When I asked if you were done eating... I gave you more to eat)... Today? Today I heard a new one. I am quite sure you started asking your own version of "What's this?" Holding my necklace, pointing at/grabbing my glasses. You amaze me child.

I remember being pregnant... I don't miss your feet in m ribs but you were quite literally a part of me not very long ago. I miss silly things. The tightness in my belly as you were growing inside me. Seeing you on the ultrasounds. Pulling myself out of bed because I couldn't roll over... I would pull muscles if I even tried. The wonder of having a tiny baby in me, not knowing what you would be like, what you would look like. Labor was quite an experience too... when they placed you on me for the first time... I started telling you who I was and who you were and about the people in the world that love you the most... that loved you even before we met you.

Now here you are and you are growing so fast. So wonderful. So full of life and love. :)
My precious little babydoll, what comes next?
I love you,

Saturday, March 26, 2011

7 months, 1 week, 1 day

Good morning to my precious baby. I've decided that since I can't start you a Gmail account, you are too young, that I will start a blog. I can write to you and show you pictures... when you are older you might want to see it. <3 How I love you my little sweetie.

Yesterday you crawled for the first time! You have been getting around with rolling and squiggling like an inch worm... but not anymore. You are about to discover that you can really get places! More than just to the toy that is out of reach... You and I are headed to the store to get paint so that we can finish the wall at the top of the stairs...... we need the gate up now. We need to baby proof and lower your crib too - you could be getting to the kitchen anytime now and (also started yesterday) you are able to sit up from laying down... which means soon you will be pulling yourself up on everything.

 :) Daddy and I are always so proud of you when you learn new things!

I love you so much my darling baby. You are growing and learning so much. I hope you always know how much I love you.

Love forever,